[VoCamp Discuss] VoCamp DC ontology for big help and discussion

Patrick Murray-John pgosetti at umw.edu
Thu May 28 19:12:20 PDT 2009

Hello VoCampDCers!

I'm looking forward to meeting you all this weekend.  I've been trying for a while to put together my first real ontology.  The basic goal of it is to serve as a bridge between the Academic Institution Internal Structure Ontology (AIISO) ontology [1] and SIOC and FOAF -- hoping to learn from Kalyan about this! -- , while filling out the information about university courses a bit.  I'm hoping, then, that it will help model what individual classes and their members study (CourseGroups in the ontology) and how they study it -- what books, tools, or activities they use -- as well as what credits and/or requirements a Course fulfills.

I've uploaded the ontology to our Knoodl space [2], called University Ontology.  There's also a small types extension to it.

I've been making up some fictional data, and put it in a store [3].  The endpoint is open to read queries if you want to SPARQL around it.  I've also put the ontology in the same store in graph http://www.ravendesk.org/univ# and the types extension in graph http://www.ravendesk.org/univ_t# .

I've realized that much of the documentation in rdfs:comments is still somewhere between iffy and downright wrong, based on the revisions that have taken place over lots of time.  Sorry about that.  If there's something there that conflicts with the assertions in the ontology, probably best to take the assertions as what I mean, and documentation hasn't caught up.

The big picture of what I'm imagining is somewhat incoherently imagined in a blog post [4]

Below are a few sample queries that might help show what kinds of stuff I'm trying to model.

Thanks all...this looks like a fantastic time!


[1] http://purl.org/vocab/aiiso/schema
[2] http://www.knoodl.com/ui/groups/VoCamp
[3] http://demos.patrickgmj.net/vocamp/gegendpoint.php
[4] http://www.patrickgmj.net/blog/thoughts-toward-a-giant-edugraph

SPARQL Queries:

PREFIX  dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
PREFIX  foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
PREFIX  dctypes: <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/> .
PREFIX  aiiso: <http://purl.org/vocab/aiiso/schema#> .
PREFIX  rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
PREFIX  univ: <http://www.ravendesk.org/univ#> .
PREFIX  bibo: <http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/> .
PREFIX  owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
PREFIX  rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
PREFIX  exu: <http://example.university.edu/rdf/> .
PREFIX  dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/> .
PREFIX  dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
PREFIX  sioc: <http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#> .
PREFIX  rbmb: <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bookmashup/books/> . 
PREFIX  univ_t: <http://www.ravendesk.org/univ_t#> .

Who's studying RDF?

SELECT DISTINCT ?profLastName  ?courseName ?courseGroupName ?termName

 ?cg univ:studiesTopic dbp:RDF ; 
    foaf:name ?courseGroupName ; 
    univ:taughtBy ?teacher ;
    univ:term ?term ; 
    univ:courseGroupOf ?c .

 ?teacher foaf:family_name ?profLastName .

 ?term foaf:name ?termName . 

 ?c foaf:name ?courseName .


Anyone suggest resources to go along with it?

Is anyone teaching with "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist"?

SELECT DISTINCT ?profLastName  ?courseName ?courseGroupName ?termName

 ?cg univ:studiesByMeansOf rbmb:006251587X ; 
    foaf:name ?courseGroupName ; 
    univ:taughtBy ?teacher ;
    univ:term ?term ; 
    univ:courseGroupOf ?c .

 ?teacher foaf:family_name ?profLastName .

 ?term foaf:name ?termName . 

 ?c foaf:name ?courseName .


Anyone teaching from a Constructivist viewpoint?

SELECT DISTINCT ?profLastName  ?courseName ?courseGroupName ?termName

 ?cg univ:studiesFromPerspective dbp:Constructivism_%28learning_theory%29 ; 
    foaf:name ?courseGroupName ; 
    univ:taughtBy ?teacher ;
    univ:term ?term ; 
    univ:courseGroupOf ?c .

 ?teacher foaf:family_name ?profLastName .

 ?term foaf:name ?termName . 

 ?c foaf:name ?courseName .


What graduation requirements can I meet through courses that study things I'm interested in?

SELECT DISTINCT ?myInterest ?cName ?cgName ?tName ?gcName ?gcDesc

	exu:Students-Ex1 foaf:interest ?myInterest .

	?cg univ:term ?term ;
		univ:courseGroupOf ?c ;
		univ:studyThing ?myInterest ;
		foaf:name ?cgName .

	?c univ:partOfGraduationCredential ?gc ;
		foaf:name ?cName . 

	?gc foaf:name ?gcName ;
		dcterms:description ?gcDesc . 
         ?term foaf:name ?tName .

Can I study viral videos and meet a graduation requirement at the same time?

SELECT DISTINCT ?cName ?cgName ?termName ?gcName ?gcDesc

	?cg univ:studiesTopic dbp:Viral_video ; 
		univ:courseGroupOf ?c ; 
		foaf:name ?cgName ;
		univ:term ?term .

	?term foaf:name ?termName . 

	?c univ:partOfGraduationCredential ?gc ;
		foaf:name ?cName . 

	?gc foaf:name ?gcName ;
		dcterms:description ?gcDesc . 

I'm a recruiter with a marketing firm.  I need someone who has used Drupal, and is familiar with Linked Open Data. 

SELECT DISTINCT ?studentLastName ?sThing

	?cg foaf:member ?student ;
		univ:studiesByMeansOf ?sm ; 
		univ:studyThing dbp:Linked_Data ;
		univ:studyThing ?sThing .
	?student foaf:family_name ?studentLastName . 
	?sm univ:poweredBy dbp:Drupal . 

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