[VoCamp Discuss] VoCamp Paris, 13th and 14th May, sponsored by Hypios.com

Milan Stankovic milan at milstan.net
Tue Mar 2 02:24:14 PST 2010

Dear fellow researchers, Semantic Web enthusiasts, citizens of the Web,

it is my pleasure to invite you to the second VoCamp in France, and the
first ever in Paris which will take place on 13th and 14th May. The VoCamp
is generously sponsored by Hypios.com - a young and innovative company that
runs a marketplace for problems and innovative solutions. Our research
department is working on Semantic Web technologies to support the problem
solving networks, and it is our great pleasure to host this VoCamp and
gather with fellow Seamntic Web researchers.

For those unfamiliar with VoCamp, VoCamp is a series of free informal events
where people can spend some time creating and maintaining lightweight
vocabularies/ontologies/thesauruses for the Semantic Web/Web of Data/Linked
Open Data. (see http://vocamp.org/ ) The VoCamp idea is influenced by
BarCamp but is oriented to hands-on technical work and practical outputs to
publish new vocabularies. The emphasis of the events is not on creating the
perfect ontology in a particular domain, but on creating vocabularies that
are good enough for people to start using for publishing data on the Web.
VoCamps are free for participants.

HypiosVoCamp Paris is organized by Alexandre Monnin [1] and myself [2].

Hurry up and register while there are still places left:


Please feel free to distribute this announcement further.

[1] http://ceppa.univ-paris1.fr/spip.php?article67
[2] http://milstan.net

Best regards,

Milan Stankovic
Researcher @ Hypios.com

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