Hi Everybody<br><br>I am finishing up the meetup ontology and now I am trying to reuse as much out there. My question is, how much should I reuse?<br><br>The main concepts are: Group, Topic, Person, Event, Place<br><br>Group can be foaf:Group.<br>
Person can be foaf:Person<br><br>But for example, for Event, that concept exists in the Event Ontology, and also in Umbel:<br><a href="http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/Meeting_SocialGathering" type="uri">http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/Meeting_SocialGathering</a><br>
<br>Which one should I use?<br><br>And for Place, I'm guessing that I should reuse geo:SpatialThing<br><br>any comments? Thanks<br><br clear="all">Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student<br>Dept. of Computer Sciences<br>The University of Texas at Austin<br>
<a href="http://www.juansequeda.com">www.juansequeda.com</a><br><a href="http://www.semanticwebaustin.org">www.semanticwebaustin.org</a><br>